
Kinds of Love

Love Love is a profoundly tender passionate affection ...


যৌন শিক্ষার প্রয়োজনীয়তা

  যৌন শিক্ষার প্রয়োজনীয়তা যৌন শিক্ষা একটি অত্যান্ত গুরুত্ত্বপুর্ণ বিষয়। এ...


Importance of Sports

Importance of Sports Sports are ac...


Job skills develop

If progress in your job, you Develop your job skills. 1...


করোনা ভাইরাস প্রতিরোধে বিনা মুল্যে ঔষধ প্রদান

  করোনা ভাইরাস প্রতিরোধে বিনা মুল্যে ঔষধ প্রদান | করোনা ভাইরাস সংক্রমোন প্রতিরোধে সম্ভাব্য হোমিও ঔষধ বিনা মুল্যে প্রদা...

যৌন শিক্ষার প্রয়োজনীয়তা


যৌন শিক্ষার প্রয়োজনীয়তা

যৌন শিক্ষা একটি অত্যান্ত গুরুত্ত্বপুর্ণ বিষয়। এই শিক্ষার অভাবে নানা রকম রোগ, পারিবারিক অসান্তি এমনকি বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদও হতে পারে। যৌন বিষয় একটি প্রকৃতির স্বাভাবিক বিষয়। এই বিষয় সম্পর্কে প্রত্যেক মানুষের সঠিক জ্ঞান থাকা প্রয়োজন। একে লজ্জার বিষয় মনে করে এই শিক্ষা থেকে বিরত থাকা উচিৎ নয়। তবে যৌন শিক্ষার ক্ষেত্রে সবার প্রথমে যে শিক্ষাটি মনে রাখতে হবে তা হল, নিজের বিবাহিত স্ত্রী বা স্বামী ব্যতিত অন্য কারো সঙ্গে যৌন বিষয়ক কিছু করা বা সহবাস করা যাবে না। এটি অত্যন্ত খারাপ কাজ। ধর্মে একে খুব বড় ধরণের অপরাধ বা গোনাহের কাজ বলা হয়েছে। যৌন মিলনের মাধ্যমে মানুষের জন্ব হয়। যা না হলে আমার

আপনার জন্বই হতনা। সেই বিষয়কে ছোট করে দেখার কোন অবকাশ নেই।

যৌন সঙ্গমের সময় প্রথমে করনিয় :
যৌন সঙ্গমে যাওয়ার সময় পুরুষের করনিয় হল, প্রথমে তার স্ত্রীকর যৌন উত্তেজনা বৃদ্ধি করা। এর জন্য  স্বামীকে স্ত্রীর ঠোট, গাল, কপাল, চোখ, গলায়, দুই স্তনের মাঝ খানে প্রভৃতি স্থানে চুম্মুন করা, স্ত্রীর স্তনে বার বার চাপ দেওয়া।
একটা কথা মনে রাখতে হবে। নাড়ীর যৌন উত্তেজনা পুরুষের চেয়ে ছয় গুন বেশি হলেও নাড়ীর যৌন উত্তেজিত হতে সময় লাগে।

স্ত্রীকেও তার স্বামীর উত্তেজনা বৃদ্ধি করতে হবে।

যৌন জীবন সুন্দর ও আকর্ষনীয় করতে স্ত্রীর করণীয় :
স্বামীর কাছে স্ত্রী সমস্ত দেহ দেখাতে পারে এটা ঠিক কিন্ত্ত, স্ত্রীর উচিত তার যৌনাঙ্গ সব সময় যেন স্বামী দেখতে না পারে, সহবাসের সময় এবং মাঝে মাঝে যেন দেখতে পায়। এতে করে স্ত্রীর প্রতি স্বামীর আকর্ষণ বেশি থাকবে।

নারী-পুরুষের যৌন-মিলনের বিভিন্ন আসন :
দাম্পত্য জীবন সুখ ও আনন্দের করতে হলে যৌন-মিলনে বৈচিত্র্য আনা দরকার, এর জন্যে যৌন-মিলনের বিভিন্ন সময় এক এক রকম আসন গ্রহণ করা যেতেপারে। দেখবেন, প্রতিটি আসন যেন ভিন্ন ভিন্ন ধরনের হয়, নতুনত্বের স্বাদ থাকে।

যৌন-মিলনের সময় বীর্যপাত কেন হয় ?

১। ভাস ডেফাসন্স  ২। এপিভিডিমিস   ৩। শুক্রবীজাণু সঞ্চারক নালী। বীর্য, থাকে লিঙ্গ থেকে অনেক দূরে দু’টি পৃথক আধারে। যৌন-মিলনে সেই বীর্য বীর্যধার থেকে বেরিয়ে আসে। আমরা সবাই জানি যে, সুস্বাদু খাবার দেখলে আমাদের জিভ দিয়ে জল পড়ে থাকে। কিন্ত্ত কেন ? সবাই ধরে নেয়, আমাদের জিভের মধ্যে অনেকগুলো স্পর্শকাতর স্নায়ুতন্ত্র মিলিত হয়েছে। সুস্বাদু খাবার দেখলে সবার মধ্যে এক ধরনের আবেগের সঞ্চার হয়। এই আবেগে কোমল স্নায়ুগুলোর ওপর চাপ পড়ে উত্তেজনা সৃষ্টি করলে এক ধরনের লালসার জিভ থেকে ক্ষরণ হয়, তাই ওভাবে জিভ দিয়ে পানি গড়িয়ে পড়ে। লালসা জাগার সময় যে আবেগ সঞ্চার হয়, জিভের পানির আকারে তা না পড়ে গেলে স্নায়ুতন্ত্রগুলোর জ্বালা কমে না। তাই লালসার তাড়নায় আমরাও কষ্ট পাই। অর্থাৎ জিভের পানি জিভের স্নায়ুর উত্তেজনা নিবৃত্তি। তেমনি বীর্যপাতের ফলে জননতন্ত্রের উত্তেজিত স্নায়তন্ত্রে নিবৃত্তি হয়। যতক্ষণ না বীর্যপাত হচ্ছে ততক্ষণ কামোত্তেজনার নিবৃত্তি হয়না।

করোনা ভাইরাস প্রতিরোধে বিনা মুল্যে ঔষধ প্রদান


করোনা ভাইরাস প্রতিরোধে বিনা মুল্যে ঔষধ প্রদান |

করোনা ভাইরাস সংক্রমোন প্রতিরোধে সম্ভাব্য হোমিও ঔষধ বিনা মুল্যে প্রদান করছেন ইউনাইটেড সার্ভিস আইটির পরিচালক ডা: মো: মাহমুদুল হক । এই ঔষধ পেতে যোগাযোগ করুন : ডা: মো: মাহমুদুল হক, ইউনাইটেড সার্ভিস আইটি, ৫০৬ থানা রোড, সিরাজগঞ্জ । মোবাইল ০১৮১৮-২৮২৮১৯ । ঔষধ প্রদানের সময়, সকাল ১০টা হতে ১২টা পর্যন্ত । এখানে বর্তমান বৈশিক করোনা ভাইরাস সংক্রমোন মহামারির প্রেক্ষাপটে

বিশ্বের বিভিন্ন দেশের বিজ্ঞ হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসকগণের মতামত, ভারতের আয়ুস (AYUSH) মন্ত্রণালয়ের উপদেষ্টা পরিষদের মতামত এবং বাংলাদেশ হোমিওপ্যাথি বোর্ড কর্তৃক গঠিত জাতীয় হোমিওপ্যাথিক কমিটি ও হোমিও চিকিৎসা বোর্ড এর সদস্যদের পরামর্শ ক্রমে, বাংলাদেশের ভৌগলিক অবস্থান ও অন্যান্য পারিপাশ্বিক বিষয়সমূহ বিবেচনা পূর্বক করোনা ভাইরাস সংক্রমোণ প্রতিরোধে সর্বাধিক লক্ষণযুক্ত ও গ্রহণযোগ্য হোমিওপ্যাথিক ঔষধ ( আর্সেনিক এ্যালব-৩০ সূক্ষ্মমাত্রায় ) প্রদান করা হচ্ছে ।

বিনামুল্যে ঔষধটি পেতে যোগাযোগ করুন : ডা: মো: মাহমুদুল হক, ইউনাইটেড সার্ভিস আইটি, ৫০৬ থানা রোড, সিরাজগঞ্জ। মোবাইল ০১৮১৮-২৮২৮১৯ । ঔষধ প্রদানের সময়, সকাল ১০টা হতে ১২টা পর্যন্ত ।


Madicin less Treatment



Low Blood Pressure
Treatment Without Medication

The red color of the image at the top of eyaro determined by the point or place (pain place) in the first three days, 50 pressure three times a day. To pump stopped (after one or two seconds after pressing the) pressure. Three times a day, morning, noon, night press.

At a certain point, one hand pressed to the max 100/130. However this case do not point to pressures for more than two minutes. Pressure points can be up to 200 feet each. On the specific pain points and four of her side of the press. 6/7 of the pressure in the pressure pain points in 10 points and 3/4 Will the pressure points around.

Pressed every day. When the pressure is not there, when you see the pain. Then you will be healed. As well as allowing you to reduce the pain.


The pressure can not be more than three times a day, and the pressure can not be given more time. The body of the switch may be broken. This treatment is best not to eat within one hour.

Fructify after the premature abortion of the first three / four months of this treatment should not be. The first six to eight weeks of pregnancy in the case in point would be wise to apply this pressure.


Job skills develop

If progress in your job, you Develop your job skills.

1. Identify your weaknesses :
Write down areas in charge of improvement. Write them as absolute statements. Speak to your supervisor, co-workers and others who are accustomed with your plan habits. Ask them to analyze abilities that you can added advance to advice you ability your able goals.

2. Assess current situation :
Determine how far you are from extensive your ultimate goal. If you wish to become the administrator of your own store, for example, anticipate about the accomplish and abilities all-important for accomplishing your goal. An access in artefact knowledge, greater accomplishment in agent administration or stronger sales abilities are examples of all-important competencies.

3. Problem solving :
You accept to be able to acquisition solutions if faced with difficulties or set-backs. Even if you can’t think of a solution straight away, You need to display an ability to take a logical and analytical approach to solving problems analytic access to analytic problems and absolute issues. It’s as well acceptable to appearance that you can access problems from altered angles.
4.Responsibilities :
Responsibilities cover analyzing, assuming and ecology the basis could cause assay apropos to action aberration events. Continuous Improvement Specialist is responsible for the facility’s continuous improvement program encompassing all raw materials finished products, analytical testing equipment, charging systems and product storage parameters contributing to long term value of our products and services.
The position as well provides all-embracing advice and administration administration for the ecology albatross tasks, absorption on 100% authoritative acquiescence at all times.

5. Teamwork :
You accept to be acceptable at alive with people. This agency both your workmates and added humans that appear into acquaintance with your organization. You’ll charge to prove that you’re a aggregation amateur but as well accept the adeptness to administer and agent to others and yield on responsibility. It’s about architecture absolute alive relationships that advice anybody to accomplish absolute goals and business objectives.

6. Create an action plan for developing your skills :
Review your account of weaknesses and analyze the areas that are analytical apparatus of accomplishing your abiding goals. If your ambition is to administer a team, for example, and you acquisition it difficult to accord with conflicts and stress, focus on deepening this skill. Acquisition an agent administration chic that teaches techniques in battle resolution. Check in with yourself consistently to appraise your progress.

7. Commercial skill :
You accept to be a acceptable anchorperson and maybe as well a acceptable biographer. You accept to be assured about speaking to humans contiguous or over the phone, and you may as well charge to address able-bodied abundant to be accepted in emails and memos. This covers exact and accounting communication, and listening. It’s about getting clear, abridged and focused; getting able to clothier your bulletin for the admirers and alert to the angle of others.

8. Leadership :
Leadership abeyant in job applications. You may not be a administrator beeline away, but graduates charge to appearance abeyant to actuate teams and added colleagues that may plan for them. It’s about allotment and delegating tasks well, ambience deadlines and arch by acceptable example.

9. Perseverance and motivation :
Employers wish humans to accept a bit of get-up-and-go. Working activity presents abounding challenges and you charge to appearance administration that you’re the affectionate of being who will acquisition a way through, even if the traveling gets tough… and break cheerful-ish.

10. Take part in opportunities provided by the organization :
This may be in appropriate projects, training opportunities, employee benefit programs, etc.

11. Contribute toward improving the workplace :
When you see something which can be done to advance the abundance or activity of the organization, accompany this up at a meeting, or allocution with a amenable administrator. Involvement in convalescent the abode will add to your activity of getting a accidental affiliate of the organization.

12. Self-Management :
You charge to be able to get on with your plan after anyone accepting to analysis up on you every 5 minutes. You should as well be able to break on top of your own deadlines and be able to agent tasks to accomplish abiding things get done on time.

13. New things :
You should wish to apprentice new things and be able to aces them up quickly. There are acceptable to be some changes to your job and to the anatomy of your abode while you are alive there. You should be able to yield on new tasks and to accommodated the needs of a alteration workplace.

14. Planning and Organising :
This is about assuming that you can priorities, plan calmly and productively. You charge to be able to organise yourself, plan activity timelines and accommodated deadlines.

15. Confidence :
In the abode you charge to bang the antithesis of getting assured in yourself but not arrogant, but as well accept aplomb in your colleagues and the aggregation you plan for.


What is education ?

What is education ? Importance of education :

Education is the grounds for gaining knowledge and wisdom. It also sharpens the mind of the learner and this can pave way to a better future for the learner. Education is a reflection of a good civilization. human civilization has progressed by innovation in education since periods. Being the foundation of our society, education encompasses our lives by stimulating our minds and molding them into intellectual ones. Education is incredibly important, for ourselves and our families and for our society as a whole. Education is important to earn money and to refine oneself, To make money and support a family. Education spreads awareness in society about how we can be a good social being and help others in our daily life. It is removes blanket of ignorance and help people in knowing them their fundamental rights. It is an important tool that can be used for the success of your future.

Kinds Of Education

Formal Education :
Formal education  includes the fundamental training that the individual gets from college. The fundamentals, educational as well as industry abilities experience the individual via Formal education . Therefore, this particular type of training is actually also called popular or even conventional training. You start with baby’s room training, an individual
discovers the different elements because he or she improvements in the direction of main, supplementary as well as advanced schooling. Whilst baby’s room, main as well as supplementary training tend to be obtained with a college student in a college, advanced schooling, or even post-secondary training, is usually revealed in a university or college.

Informal Education :
Informal education includes educating one through breezy advice and account books. In general, breezy apprenticeship is adorning anyone alfresco the basal anatomy of
education, that is, in schools, and after the use of any acquirements methods.

Special Education :
Psychologically inhibited in addition to differently abled learners tend to be informed as a result of unique studying procedures, often known as unique knowledge. For just a scholar being admitted right unique knowledge university he or she is initial considered around the a variety of details regarding problems in addition to as a result, his / her eligibility is decided.

Adult Education :

Adult education is the action of educating the adults as it aims appear educating an developed on literacy, added basal abilities and assorted job skills. Also accepted as developed basal education, developed articulacy apprenticeship or academy ad equation preparation, developed apprenticeship can be categorized into three added categories: academic chic based education, e-learning and self-directed learning.

Academic Education Types :

1. Nursery Education :

Also called primary or even preschool training, Nursery Education  is actually the initial step in the direction of attaining official training. It offers baby’s room college as well as kindergarten. This particular phase represents the actual walking from the kid in the conveniences of the house towards the globe outdoors. Nursery Education  is generally directed at kids in between age 3 as well as 5 many years.

2. Primary Education :
Following baby’s room training, a young child is actually subjected to primary education   exactly

where he or she determines their basis upon numerous topics, such as math, technology, interpersonal sciences as well as vocabulary. Primary education   begins through age 5 or even 6 as well as proceeds upon for that following six to eight many years. Nevertheless, age primary education   and also the topics trained vary from 1 nation to a different.

3. Secondary Education :

Secondary education is the final date that a adolescent undergoes in a academy during his adolescence. The apprenticeship architecture transforms from a absolute primary apprenticeship to alternative and specialized training subjects. Here, he receives abundant advice and ability on his adopted subjects.

4. Higher Education :
Schooling will get more than along with supplementary training along with a college student right now enrolls them self within an undergrad as well as publish move on university or college to get the greatest degree of training within their topics associated with specialty area. Also called tertiary training, higher Education  is really a non-compulsory degree of training.


Kinds of Love


Love is a profoundly tender passionate affection for another.

Kinds of Love

Agape love :
This love is actually unconditional adore. It is the type of love that everyone strives to have for their fellow human beings. Although you may not like someone adjudge to adulation them just as a animal being. This kind of love is all about sacrifice as well as giving and expecting nothing in return. The translation of the word agape is love in the verb form. it’s the adore shown because of your conduct in the direction of someone else.

Storge love :
It is a kind of family and friendship love. This is actually the adore which mother and father normally really feel for his or her kids; the actual adore which family member possess for every additional; or even the actual adore which buddies really feel for every additional.

Eros love :
The adventurous activity accepted in eros love is natural, and an important allotment of a accord amid a man and a woman. eros adulation is An constant adulation for a accomplice with whom you feel passion, attraction, caring and respect. Romance aswell plays a role in deepening the bonds, abnormally at the alpha of a relationship. it is the affectionate that generally triggers high animosity in a new accord.

Spiritual Love :
This blazon of adulation recognizes the Divine ablaze in anybody and everything. Adulation is accustomed to anybody as an act of admiring God.

Love of your country :
This is adulation for the abode you reside or the abode that were born. It is a blazon of adherence and a appropriate activity of acceptance that you aspect to that specific geographic location.

Self-Love :
This can be a good sensation you have regarding that you’re as well as that which you should have. It frequently is actually indicated through dealing with your self nicely, improving your self, seeking you to ultimately end up being pleased as well as anticipating other people in order to regard a person as well.

Brotherly Love :
This appellation connotes accepting a activity of adulation for your neighbor, because all altruism is advised to be allotment of a beyond ancestors of animal beings.


Importance of Sports

Importance of Sports

Sports are actual important for us. Sports also inculcate good qualities in us. They keep us healthy and fit. They accumulate us advantageous and fit. They action us a change from the boredom of circadian life. sports accept abundant amount in life. It is a advantageous agency of ball and concrete activity. Sports advice in appearance building. The capital allowances of action are bigger bloom and fitness, and the development of amusing and advice skills. It accord us Qualities like leadership, teamwork, responsibility, and perseverance. Education after sports is incomplete. Involving oneself in aggressive sports will animate advantageous competition. Sports accept been a mainstay in millions of humans lives for abounding years. Abounding absolute ancestry for a advantageous apperception and a advantageous persona can be acquired from sports.

Benefits of Sports in Our Life :

Health Fitness :
People indulging in sports gradually become fitter. No other activity is as productive in gaining endurance, strengthening of muscles and overall physical fitness as sports.
Regularly indulging in sports helps in keeping the immune system strong, and hence, helps in preventing any kind of disease from occurring. It also increases the appetite of the person. For this resign, sports promote good health.

Constructive Use of Time :
Young will be this kind of impressionable age group, in case adolescents receive spare time they might have a go at incorrect activities, may possibly tumble in bad organization, or maybe can also show anti-social habits. Whenever we are participating in, all of us really utilize each of our spare time in doing anything great.

Discipline :
Sports is Discipline way. Self aplomb is additional by absolute in sports and while aggravating to excel, discipline becomes a allotment of life. Anyone who takes sports actively knows the accent of discipline and the assurance to succeed. So it accomplish conduct in life.

Career opportunity :
Sports can also be chosen as a career. Sports accord us befalling to abound in life. Sportspersons are heroes of civic and bounded accent who are looked up to. They are role models for many. These days sports accept been commercialized. They accept become a acceptable agency of earning. As far as budgetary allowances are concerned, arena sports is today a booming career, accustomed the affectionate of money involved. Sports are acceptable agency of earnings. Sports accept abundant abeyant to action career opportunities.

Teamwork :
Numerous common sports such as basketball, volleyball, baseball, volleyball, and so forth., are played in groups. Enjoying staff game titles creates somebody much more comfortable along with others. It improves this social expertise in addition to creates somebody effective to be a staff player. This particular inculcates valuations in addition to expertise such as control, communication, in addition to lose. Not only may this particular profit the individual in having a far better video game, nonetheless it truly aids in every walks of existence.

Improves mentality :

Sports activities will increase sharpness associated with mind in addition to emotional power. It advise you to be absolutely active all the time. Playing games in fact will increase your mind task; by no means allowing the focus wander and also causing you to be recognize issues throughout a lot more details. That train locomotives individuals to cope with crunch scenarios.

First aid

Treatment :
Treatment refers to the administering or appliance of remedies or therapies to a accommodating for a ache or injury. A acceptable appraisal is essential to actuate adapted analysis for a actuality use disorder. The actuality or antidote so applied. Administration or appliance of remedies to a patient or for a disease or injury.

What is first aid ?

First aid is the accouterment of antecedent affliction for an affliction or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but accomplished cadre to a ailing or afflicted being until absolute medical analysis can be accessed. Certain self-limiting illnesses or accessory injuries may not crave added medical affliction accomplished the aboriginal aid intervention. It about consists of a alternation of simple and in some cases, potentially life-saving techniques that an alone can be accomplished to accomplish with basal equipment.

Absence of Breathing

If someone’s breath has stopped, mouth-to-mouth blast is needed. Causes: Heart attacks, drowning, electric shocks, poisoning, suffocation, etc..
Signs: Absolutely no increase as well as drop upper body motion. The face area gets bluish-grey.


Mouth-To-Mouth Ventilation for Adults :

1. Open and bright the airway by anxiously removing any altar from aperture with your finger.

2. Close the victim’s nostrils, again yield a abysmal animation and allowance

your aperture about his/her mouth. Blow into the aperture until his/her chest rises.

3. Abode two fingers beneath the point of the button and abode your added duke on the victim’s forehead. At the aforementioned time, lift the button and acclaim angle the arch back.

4. Remove your aperture and acquiesce the chest to fall. Give 10 breaths and again analysis the person’s pulse. If the beating is not present, CPR may be needed.

5. Continue the action at the amount of 10 breaths per minute.

Mouth-To-Nose Air flow with regard to Grown ups:

It’s required whenever mouth area isn’t very easily breathed in to.

1. Review accomplish 1 and 2 in Mouth-To-Mouth Ventilation.

2. Take a abysmal animation and allowance your aperture about the victim’s nose.

3. Cover the person’s aperture and draft acerb into the nose.

4. Remove your aperture and accessible the person’s aperture with your hand, captivation it accessible to acquiesce air to escape.

5. Continue the action at the amount of 10 breaths per minute.


Mouth-To-Mouth Blast for a Baby ( beneath 1 year of age) :

1. Open airway and allowance your aperture about the baby’s aperture and nose.

2. Knock back delicately (keep in your mind which a newborns lung area have become teeny, consequently blow solely the amount of fresh air that you can keep inside your cheeks to the newborns lungs). While you inhale out, look over the upper body.

3. As you see the chest rise, stop alarming and acquiesce the chest to abatement again.

4. Provide 1 computer animation each and every 3 mere seconds.

5. After every 20 breaths, analysis pulse. Continue mouth-to-mouth blast if beating aloft 60 per minute. If it is lower than that , alpha CPR (see Absence of Heartbeat).

6. Continue giving mouth-to-mouth blast until advice arrives.

Mouth-To-Mouth Ventilation for a Child (over 1 year of age) :
1. Review accomplish 1 and 2 in Mouth-To-Mouth Blast for adults.

2. Whack lightly (keep in apperception a child’s lungs are small, so yield bank breaths only). As you animation out, attending forth the chest.

3. When you see the child’s chest rise, stop blowing. Allow the chest to abatement again.

4. Accord one animation every three seconds.

5. After every 20 breaths, analysis pulse. If present, abide mouth-to-mouth ventilation.

If absent, alpha CPR (see Lack of Heartbeat).

6. Abide to accord mouth-to-mouth blast until advice arrives.


The drowning victim may be flailing his/her accoutrements or lying face down in the water. The actual target must be taken off the actual baptize following endangering your self.

Indications :

1. Pale, great skin tone
2. Absence of breathing

3. Glowing blue lip area
4. Weak or absence of pulse

5. Possibly unconscious
Treatment :
1. Begin mouth-to-mouth great time (see Lack of Breathing). Don’t cease before target breathes upon his / her personal over or even healthcare guidance occurs.
2. If the victim begins coughing or spurting baptize from their adenoids and mouth, you should about-face them on their side. This will aid baptize abatement from the lungs, befitting the victim’s arch lower than the blow of the body.
3. Once the victim is breath naturally, accumulate him/her warm.
4. Call a doctor as anon as possible.

First Aid Kit

Every office, factory, home and academy should accept an attainable first-aid box with afterward recommended basal capacity :
1. First Aid Book
2. Clinical Thermometer
3. Antiseptic Wipes (Alcohol Swaps) and Cotton Wool
4. Band-aids (Plasters)
Band aids or adhering plasters are abundant for bathrobe baby wounds. They appear in all shapes and sizes for fingers, legs, and anywhere abroad you ability get little cuts.
Make abiding the Band aid is big abundant to awning the wound, if not you should use a bathrobe instead
5. Scissors
A brace of scissors is bare to cut the band and gauze.
6. Adaptable Bandages
The adaptable bandages are acceptable for wrapping sprained joints or authoritative a bung in the case of a torn arm.
7. Cast and Adhering Band
Gauze pads or cycle are bolt pads that are placed anon on a anguish to assure and ascendancy bleeding.
You will charge adhering band to accumulate the cast in place.
In an emergency, a apple-pie tea cloth, duke towel, apple-pie tee-shirt can be acclimated to awning the wound.
8. Safety Pins and Tweezers
9. Baby Mirror and Latex Gloves
Latex gloves are consistently a acceptable idea, abnormally if you are ambidextrous with physique fluids from a stranger.
10. Calamine Balm :
Calamine balm is acclimated for abatement sunburns and stings.
11. Analgesic Tablets
Such as paracetamol or  aspirin etc.


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